Spirit Week

WMS Spirit Week is October 25th-29th!

Dress Up Schedule: 

Monday: Sports/Blast from the Past

Tuesday: Twin/Crazy Hat, Hair, and Socks

Wednesday: PJ's/Fancy

Thursday: Emo/Neon Colors

Friday: TS Colors/Halloween Costumes 

(No Halloween Costume Masks) 

The grade level with the most participation will earn a pizza party. Leadership students will be coming around during first period each day to take a count, as well as pick a student from each grade level who was the best dressed. The student picked will receive a candy bar!

Make sure to get your grades up, in order to watch a Halloween movie in the afternoon of October 29th. Movie sign-ups will begin on October 25th for those students who are passing all of their classes. 

Let's have a fun week!