WMS Announcements 10/17/23: Today's lunch is a BBQ Pork Sandwich and Potato Salad. 6th-8th Grade Boys: Please make sure you have an up-to-date physical on file. 6/7/8th graders, please note the time change of the Helix Fall Festival. Dance will be from 3-5 p.m now. The bus will leave Weston at 2:30 and Athena at 2:40. Good luck with your volleyball game today MS girls!
WMS Announcements 10/16/23: Today's lunch is a Cheese Burger French Fries and Salad Bar. 6th-8th Grade Boys: The first day of practice is October 23rd. Please make sure you have an up-to-date physical on file. 6/7/8th graders, please note the time change of the Helix Fall Festival. Dance will be from 3-5 p.m now. The bus will leave Weston at 2:30 and Athena at 2:40. Good luck with your volleyball game today MS girls!
WMS Announcements 10/12/23: Today's lunch is a Chicken Sandwich, Chips, and Salad Bar. 6th-8th Grade Boys: If you are planning on participating in boys' basketball this season, please complete and return the 'Letter of Intent' to Mrs. Fun by October 16th. The first day of practice is October 23rd. Please make sure you have an up-to-date physical on file. 6/7/8th graders, please note the time change of the Helix Fall Festival. Dance will be from 3-5 p.m now. The bus will leave Weston at 2:30 and Athena at 2:40. Represent us well at the Job Fair today 8th graders! Reminder: There is no school for students tomorrow October 13th.
WMS Announcements 10/11/23: Today's lunch is Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce and Green Beans. 6th-8th Graders: We have been invited to the Helix Fall Festival on October 27th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. You will need to be both grade and behavior-eligible to attend. Permission slips need to be returned to Mrs. Fun by October 20th. 6th-8th Grade Boys: If you are planning on participating in boys' basketball this season, please complete and return the 'Letter of Intent' to Mrs. Fun by October 16th. The first day of practice is October 23rd. Please make sure you have an up-to-date physical on file. Have fun at the Corn Maze today HUB, make us proud!
WMS Announcements 10/10/23: Today's lunch is Beef Tacos and Tator Tots. Thank you students for having a good week without gum, you have earned your privilege back. Make sure to continue putting gum in the garbage when you are finished with it! 6th-8th Graders: We have been invited to the Helix Fall Festival on October 27th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. You will need to be both grade and behavior-eligible to attend. Permission slips need to be returned to Mrs. Fun by October 20th. 6th-8th Grade Boys: If you are planning on participating in boys' basketball this season, please complete and return the 'Letter of Intent' to Mrs. Fun by October 16th. The first day of practice is October 23rd. Please make sure you have an up-to-date physical on file.
WMS Announcements 10/9/23: Today's lunch is Popcorn Chicken, French Fries, and Salad Bar. Thank you students for having a good week without gum, you have earned your privilege back. Make sure to continue putting gum in the garbage when you are finished with it! 6th-8th Graders: We have been invited to the Helix Fall Festival on October 27th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. You will need to be both grade and behavior-eligible to attend. Permission slips need to be returned to Mrs. Fun by October 20th.
WMS Announcements 10/3/23: Happy Friday! Today's lunch is PBJ sandwiches, mozzarella sticks, and Salad Bar. The potato show donation deadline has been extended, please bring your donations to the WMS office as soon as possible. Don't forget that Monday is picture day, bring your picture packets and your smiles to school! Good luck at your volleyball game today middle schoolers. Have a great weekend!
WMS Announcements 10/5/23: Today's lunch is Hot Dog, Macaroni Salad, and Salad Bar. For the month of October, we will be focusing on the character trait of forgiveness. Students can earn TigerScot tokens to receive a corn dog on October 26th. Thank you students for having a good week without gum! We need to go one more week without having any gum show up in inappropriate places in order for you to earn the privilege of chewing gum back at school. 6th/7th/8th graders: As a reminder, we are now tracking tardies. The expectation is that you are on time for every class each day. Please focus on moving efficiently from one class to another. Good luck at your football game today middle schoolers!
WMS Announcements 10/4/23: Today's lunch is Beef Goulash, Green Beans, and Bread Sticks. For the month of October, we will be focusing on the character trait of forgiveness. Students can earn TigerScot tokens to receive a corn dog on October 26th. Thank you students for having a good week without gum! We need to go one more week without having any gum show up in inappropriate places in order for you to earn the privilege of chewing gum back at school. 6th/7th/8th graders: As a reminder, we are now tracking tardies. The expectation is that you are on time for every class each day. Please focus on moving efficiently from one class to another. Good luck at your volleyball game today middle schoolers!
WMS Announcements 10/3/23: Happy October! Today's lunch is Pizza Pocket, Tator Tots, and Salad Bar. For the month of October, we will be focusing on the character trait of forgiveness. Students can earn TigerScot tokens to receive a corn dog on October 26th. TigerScot tokens are due on October 24th. One corndog is worth 10 TigerScot tokens and you can earn up to two corndogs. The potato show donation deadline has been extended, please bring your donations to the WMS office as soon as possible. Thank you!
WMS Announcements 9/28/23: Today's lunch is Chicken Crispitos and Salad Bar. Reminder: Gum is not allowed at school for this week. If this week goes well, and we don't find any on lunch trays, that privilege may be reinstated. 6th, 7th, & 8th graders, we will start counting tardy's next week. Take this week to practice getting to class on time. 2 tardy's is a warning and 3 is a detention. Good luck at your volleyball games today middle schoolers.
WMS Announcements 9/27/23: Today's lunch is Chicken Tacos, Rice, and Salad Bar. Reminder: Gum is not allowed at school for this week. If this week goes well, and we don't find any on lunch trays, that privilege may be reinstated. 6th, 7th, & 8th graders, we will start counting tardy's next week. Good luck at your games today Middle Schoolers!
WMS Announcements 9/26/23: Today's lunch is Cheeseburgers, Chips, and Salad Bar. Reminder: Gum is not allowed at school for this week. If this week goes well, and we don't find any gum on lunch trays, that privilege may be reinstated. 6th, 7th, & 8th graders, we will start counting tardy's next week. Take this week to practice getting to class on time. 2 tardy's is a warning and 3 is a detention. You can do it! Also, 6th-8th Graders: We have been invited to the Helix Fall Festival on October 27th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Permission slips, with all the details, will be going home this week. You will need to be both grade and behavior-eligible to attend. Permission slips need to be returned to Mrs. Fun by October 20th.
WMS Announcements 9/25/23: Today's lunch is Pizza Pockets, Tator Tots, and Salad Bar. Reminder: Gum is not allowed at school for this week. If this week goes well, and we don't find any on lunch trays, that privilege may be reinstated. 6th, 7th, & 8th graders, we will start counting tardy's next week. Take this week to practice getting to class on time. 2 tardy's is a warning and 3 is a detention. You can do it! Also, 6th-8th Graders: We have been invited to the Helix Fall Festival on October 27th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Permission slips, with all the details, will be going home this week. You will need to be both grade and behavior-eligible to attend. Permission slips need to be returned to Mrs. Fun by October 20th.
WMS Announcements 9/22/23: Happy Friday! Today's lunch is Pizza Stick and Salad Bar. Gum has been found too many times on lunchroom trays, due to this occurrence, gum is not allowed on school grounds for a while. Good luck with your XC WMS athletes!
WMS Announcements 9/18/23: Today's lunch is Macaroni and Cheese/Ham and Salad Bar. Gum has been found too many times on lunchroom trays, due to this occurrence, gum is not allowed on school grounds for a while. Good luck at your volleyball and football games today WMS athletes!
WMS Announcements 9/20/23: Today's lunch is Beef Tacos Rice and Refried Beans. 8th graders, field trip meetings will begin soon. In order for you to be eligible to participate in the 8th-grade field trip, you must attend ONE of the meetings scheduled with the teacher chaperone. Monday, September 18, OR Tuesday, September 26, OR Wednesday, October 11. All meetings start at 7:00 p.m. at the middle school. The name of our new TigerScot Treasure Assistant is...ALBERT SPINESTEIN. Thank you to everyone who voted.
WMS Announcements 9/19/23: Today's lunch is Corn Dog Pork n'Beans and Salad Bar. All students, we are finding gum on trays in the lunch room. This is your warning, if we find gum again, you will not be allowed to chew gum at school for a while. 8th graders, field trip meetings will begin soon. In order for you to be eligible to participate in the 8th-grade field trip, you must attend ONE of the meetings scheduled with the teacher chaperone. Monday, September 18, OR Tuesday, September 26, OR Wednesday, October 11. All meetings start at 7:00 p.m. at the middle school. The name of our new TigerScot Treasure Assistant is...ALBERT SPINESTEIN. Thank you to everyone who voted.
WMS Announcements 9/18/23: Today's lunch is Haystacks and Salad Bar. All students, we are finding gum on trays in the lunch room. This is your warning, if we find gum again, you will not be allowed to chew gum at school for a while. 8th graders, field trip meetings will begin soon. In order for you to be eligible to participate in the 8th-grade field trip, you must attend ONE of the meetings scheduled with the teacher chaperone. Monday, September 18, OR Tuesday, September 26, OR Wednesday, October 11. All meetings start at 7:00 p.m. at the middle school.
WMS Announcements 9/14/23: Today's lunch is a Turkey Sandwich Chips and Salad Bar. Good Luck at the volleyball and football games today middle schoolers! Remember that tomorrow is a no-school day. Have a great weekend!