Attention WMS Families: Tomorrow, Thursday August 26th is our 4th-8th grade Open House from 4pm - 7pm. Please join us during your timeslot by Last Name: A-H from 4 pm—5 pm, I-Q from 5 pm—6 pm, and R-Z from 6 pm—7 pm. We can't wait to see you!

8/23/21: Today is the first day of WMS Fall sports practice. We can't wait to see you! There are a few corrections to this week's practice schedule. 1. Cross Country will meet at the Elementary School Track (not the HS) at 3:30 pm this week. 2. There will not be any practices on Thursday 8/26 to allow all students time to attend our Open House from 4pm-7pm. 3. There will not be volleyball or football practice on Friday 8/27, XC will still practice on Friday.

WMS Athletic Announcement: 2021/2022 Fall sports include Football, Volleyball and Cross Country. 6th, 7th and 8th graders may participate in Cross Country. 7th and 8th graders may participate in Volleyball and Football. All three sports will start on Monday, August 23rd from 3:30-5:00pm. VB and FB will practice in Weston and XC will practice in Athena at the high school. An Activity bus will run from Athena to Weston at 3:10pm and 5:00pm for athletes needing rides. You will need to have a current physical on file with the school to participate in practice. Physicals are good for 2 years. Please bring a water bottle, we can't wait to see you!