WMS Announcements 5/7/24: Today's lunch is Chicken Sandwich and Chips. For May, we will be focusing on the character trait of commitment. Students can earn a churro by turning in 10 TigerScot tokens. Students can earn up to a total of two churros. Students need to turn in their TigerScot tokens by May 29th and churros will be handed out on May 31st. We are in search of responsible helpers for Pioneer Days. If you are interested in helping Mrs. Buckles with kid games, please let the office know.
10 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 5/6/24: Today's lunch is Chicken Nuggets, Smiley Fries, and Salad Bar. We are in search of responsible helpers for Pioneer Days. If you are interested in helping Mrs. Buckles with kid games, please let the office know.
10 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 5/3/24: Today's lunch is Bean and Cheese Burittos and French Fries. We are in search of responsible helpers for Pioneer Days. If you are interested in helping Mrs. Buckles with kid games, please let the office know. Have a great weekend!
10 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 5/2/24: Today's lunch is Haystakes and Salad Bar. Good luck at your track meet today middle schoolers!
10 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 5/1/24: Today's lunch is Mini Corn Dogs, Baked Beans, and Salad Bar. Tonight is volleyball open gym at the high school from 7:00-9:00 pm, 8th graders are welcome.
10 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/30/24: Today's lunch is Toasted Cheese and Tomato Soup, and a Salad bar. 6th-8th graders, if you want an Otter Pop on Friday be sure to turn in your TigerScot tokens by May 1st to receive your Otter Pop on May 3rd. You may earn up to TWO Otter Pops (20 tokens). 8th-grade girls, tonight is the first night of open gym for high school basketball, 7:00-9:00 pm.
10 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/29/24: Today's lunch is Hamburger, French Fries and Salad bar. 6th-8th graders, if you want an Otter Pop on Friday be sure to turn in your TigerScot tokens by May 1st to receive your Otter Pop on May 3rd. You may earn up to TWO Otter Pops (20 tokens).
10 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/26/24: Today's lunch is PBJ Sandwich, Chips, and Salad Bar. The Spring Fling Dinner and Dance is tonight for 7th and 8th graders. Have a great weekend everyone!
10 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/25/24: Today's lunch is Popcorn Chicken, Potato Wedges, and Salad Bar. Attention 8th Grade Girls: Tomorrow from 2:30 pm-3:00 pm the varsity girls basketball coach will be here to have a meet and greet with any interested incoming freshman basketball players. We will call you to the auditorium at that time.
11 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/24/24: Today's lunch is Chicken Mashed Potatoes and Corn. Today's Atina Club meeting will take place in the high school commons from 3:30-5:00 pm. WMS Track photos will be today at AES.
11 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/22/24: Today's lunch is Chicken Sandwiches, Potato Salad and Salad Bar. Attention 7th and 8th Graders: The Spring Fling is on April 26th from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. You need to be grade and behavior-eligible to attend. Final grade checks will be on April 25th.
11 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/19/24: Today's lunch is Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Salad Bar. Attention 7th and 8th Graders: The Spring Fling is on April 26th from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. You need to be grade and behavior-eligible to attend. Final grade checks will be on April 25th.
11 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/18/24: Today's lunch is Chicken Fajita Rice and Salad Bar. Attention 7th and 8th Graders: The Spring Fling is on April 26th from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. You need to be grade and behavior-eligible to attend. Final grade checks will be on April 25th.
11 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/15/24: Today's lunch is Pizza Sticks, Gold Fish, and salad bar.
11 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/12/24: Happy Friday! Today's lunch is Bean and Cheese Borittos and Tator Tots.
11 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/11/24: Today's lunch is Spaghetti w/meat sauce and garlic toast. Tonight is the second evening of conferences.
11 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/10/24: Today's lunch is a Chicken Sandwich, French Fries, and salad bar. Good luck with your testing today everyone. Take your time and so your best!
11 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/9/24: Today's lunch is Mac n'Cheese w/ham and salad bar. Tonight is the first evening of conferences.
11 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/8/24: Today's lunch is Cheeseburger, French Fries and Salad Bar. Happy Eclipse Day!
11 months ago, Weston Middle School
WMS Announcements 4/5/24: Today's lunch is Ham w/cheese Hoggie and Chips. Good luck at your track meet today middle schoolers! Have a great weekend.
11 months ago, Weston Middle School